Our Executive Peer Communities are open to all C-level executives for eligibility– whether they are a current executive, or between jobs. Benefits of a DERGEL Community Membership include access to exclusive peer group sessions, curated discussion rooms, and early access to CxO Search Reports. The Membership also offers free access to weekly CxO Moves reports, provided by our subsidiary DERGEL Media.
DERGEL Media is focused on publishing reports about executive hiring, and providing other actionable data to its customers to help them make sound long-term decisions about their personnel strategies. The reports we publish are read by hundreds of thousands of individuals across thousands of organizations and in almost every country worldwide. All of the reports we publish are separated by topic, which equate to the various executive roles that we research.
We are currently delivering the weekly reports for the following Executive Moves:
CFO Moves
CHRO Moves
CEO Moves
COO Moves
CMO Moves
CRO Moves
To join your CxO Community, please visit the DERGEL Media website.